OBHG Annual General Meeting – FAQ

Q: Do you know the wi-fi password?

A: Delta123

Q: Where and when should I report to check-in for the event?

A: Please see the registration desk to check-in. Guests may register on the day they arrive, registration is only required once throughout the duration of the event. 

Q: Where do I find the hotel/boat tour address information?

A: Refer to the contact page for addresses. 

Q: Will transportation be provided to/from the airport?

A: Transportation is not provided. Please refer to the contact page for taxi information.

Q: Is it too late to sign-up for the boat tour/Gala dinner?

A: Registration for these events are now closed. Please speak to a planning committee member to discuss further.

Q: Is there a dress code for the Dinner/Awards ceremony?

A: We recommend semi-formal/business casual.

Q: Who can I speak to about my food restrictions/allergies?

A: Please reach out to Tiffany Hembruff, catering liaison for the event. 

Q: Do I need to bring cash to the event?

A: The bar for the boat tour and AGM gala accepts cash, debit and credit cards.

Q: Do you know a contact number for a taxi?

A: Refer to the contact page.

Q: Where can I find the speakers bios/event agenda?

A: Refer to the AGM home page via the QR code, or click on the “Return to OBHG AGM Home” at the top of this page. 

Q: Questions for our guest speakers?

A: Refer to the contact page to request guest speaker information.

Q: Is the event being live streamed so that I can attend virtually?

A: The AGM will not be live streamed. If you would like to request a speaker presentation, please email cpcadmin@hsnsudbury.ca. 

Q: Where will the AGM be held next year? 

A: RPPEO in Ottawa, ON

Q: Looking for more information?

A: Please see the registration desk and speak to a planning committee member.